• PC is finally finished, starting off as a built to order during the shortage. (p.7)
2021/03/14 15:40:06
It's nice to see a CyberPower build that doesn't look cheap and plastic.   Granted you paid extra to guarantee that it doesn't.   Kinda sucks that this is the route many have had to take to get their hands on a 30 series.

Nicely done.   

Now Im going to go play with a configurator just to see how bad it can get.  

Honestly their prices vs everyone else is not bad, MSRP on the parts, when they had a larger supply of GPU's you could pay the extra MSRP difference and get the card you wanted like I did.  Now its all the lottery but you can win paying basically the base model price of a 3080 and end up with an EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra same with the 3090. Seen it happen a lot and go :o 

I took their base Black Pearl model and upgraded most of it with better parts, if gigabyte was not so shady with their 850w that would still be in my system. Since CPPC does not have a PSU at 850w that I would trust or would trust at the time, am getting a refund on the psu already sent it in. But I took a 1900 dollar pc at the time now its about 2100 and made it into a 2634 dollar machine shipped so about 400 bucks extra for them to build it and ship it. Upgrade a few things myself because they didn't have what I wanted, set some settings myself, for the price honestly its not bad at all. But with CPPC you better know what you are doing to make the experience as good as mine has been. Really love the setup and cannot wait to take my OEM BR card with the contract CPPC and EVGA has and get my stepup to a 3080 FTW3 Ultra. At that point the build will be done for some years. Just hope the next time I need a gpu upgrade the GPU shenanigans is still not going on. Would be nice to reuse most of this build, love the case, the new psu has been great so far, AIO is solid, Extra fans look cool.

Also been spending a lot of time on their discord helping people. Be it helping people know to register their cards with EVGA and the benefits that brings. To other vendors if they really like their lottery card. To setting things up in the bios from CPU’s to ram, helping people their their hardware cooler with fan configurations, the importance of a quality psu and going beyond the recommended so they have less problems in the distant future as a PSU ages. The important of bios updates when they have issues and how to do it. GPU driver issues. Trouble shooting issues, some come up from them picking a bad psu, or the badge batch of gigabyte parts coming out, to the infamous UPS yeeted my stuff and something broken but don’t know what it is. Have helped a ton of people in my spare time.
2021/03/15 12:02:15
Getting there slowly.

2021/03/17 04:39:31
Slow and steady will eventually get to the end
2021/03/17 06:19:09
I see the new LiLi fans.  Did you add something else?
2021/03/17 08:33:12
Looking good much better.
2021/03/18 19:40:34
I see the new LiLi fans.  Did you add something else?

EVGA psu
Lian Li fans
Corsair fans as pull on aio
Zalman fan
Home made 3 pin RGB splitter
GPU support bracket
Got rid of old KB and Mouse replaced with EVGA ones.
2021/03/19 09:58:56
Looks pretty good with the additions, however that support bracket seems out of place. I do like that is masks the PCIe power cables but I dunno, it just doesn't fit in my opinion. Maybe if it had some vertical venting in it or something to break up the big wall of metal or plastic. 
2021/03/19 17:54:41
Looks pretty good with the additions, however that support bracket seems out of place. I do like that is masks the PCIe power cables but I dunno, it just doesn't fit in my opinion. Maybe if it had some vertical venting in it or something to break up the big wall of metal or plastic. 

Yeah I agree it does look out of place, the Lian Li one sadly was reading people are having issues with making it fit on the 3080 FTW3 Ultra's on Reddit, If I had more of the right tools instead of having to manually do it I would add in some vertical vent holes myself most I can do is drill holes in it then take a router or just drill holes with the tools I have that are mostly for my stuff is at the bottom of the lake work. The other brackets I saw was not really fan of, they looked cheap or they looked like you just added a lamp pole in your pc. It was that or buy the Lian Li GPU relocation kit, but then I would lose two SATA SSD easy mounting slots in the front instead of one.

 It also looks out of place because there is an extension bracket that can go on it to make it even taller for larger cases. Believe its part of its design. The whole it hides the PCIE cables was another reason I got it, but thinking on it, it will not be hiding 3x PCIE cables in my eventual stepup. So will have to see when I get to that point.  Yeah that part of the bracket is all metal, the extension bracket to make it for higher set GPU's in larger cases is plastic. I could try to cut a window in it and carefully route it out and put a piece of plexi glass or real glass put into it. But would need to be extra careful and slow.
2021/03/20 08:04:27
Hey, Donta, that is looking sweet! Good job!
I have a few friends that went Cyberpower PC as well, and they like the builds other than many of the things you stated.
Keep it up! You'll get there!
I might buy one to snag the 3080 out of and sell the rest to a friend who wants a 5950x build.
We'll see...
2021/03/20 13:42:13
I know the ram cooler is useless in this day and age unless your ocing the ram, but it does look cool.

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