I'm losing my mind...
EVGA xc 3080, everything runs fine for a few apex legends matches then the screen goes black and I can still hear and play but the screen stays blacked out...
I've tried
-ddu clean new drivers and rolling back drivers
-nvidia power set to maximum
-bios pci set to gen3
-slamming my head into the wall
Nothing has seemed to work, I've ordered a new cable cause my swift monitor is the second gen 2k one... maybe it's just gsync having isssues???
I have had it black screen and reset my pc... but that's only happened twice outta the 50 plus times
oh and I do have a ek front and rear waterblock... I seem to remember someone saying the back plate was too tight and causing coil whine (not sure if that has ANYTHING to do with this???)
pray for me xD