What sample rate are you using? Use audio output
and mic input of 16-bit with 44.1 or 48 kHz sampling rate for best compatibility and most favorable results. Any higher is a gimmick and causes problems.
I hope it is that simple. It sometimes is. If the problem is something else, well, what will EVGA do to assist?
Not to dwell on the "gimmick" part, but to explain, 44.1 and higher ensures that every human-perceivable sound is reproduced. Not only does it ensure it, but it also mathematically guarantees that it will be reproduced exactly. You can't get any better than guaranteed by design. Therefore, higher sample rates have no benefit, create larger file sizes for no reason, create incompatibility for no reason, often sacrifice sound quality of what humans can hear in order to create manageable file sizes and system bandwidth to store sound information about what humans can't hear anyway, and are pointless because your headphones, speakers, and microphones can't operate at those high frequencies anyway. There is no reason to perfectly reproduce ultrasonic sound that you can't hear; therefore, stick with the lowest sampling rate necessary. Similarly, bit depth is related to human hearing limits and relates to noise floor and signal to noise ratio. All human-perceivable sounds and attenuation limits fit within 16 bits. Stick with what has the widest support and isn't taxing on your system for no reason.