Retail Windows clients already have a beta channel which means if the updates are knocking up on your computer and you're not subscribed to the windows update beta channel (called "insiders") it's already been used on a huge number of computers for some time so it's pretty safe to install ;)
You can delay them of course but i'd advice you to install them right away as you could be vulnerable to 0-day exploits if you dont (which no antivirus will ever protect you from).
That's a negative ghost rider .... MS tries, but the deadlines usually hold & out the door it goes ......
I'm familiar with and affiliated with MS Insider testing ....
Actually Microsoft has a Very Bad Habit of Forcing updates with Known issues to Windows 10 users "Software as a Service"
The Pushed (forced) update just goes to a larger Beta testing group
1803 broke many a PC & crippled networking ... nice its broke & wont go online to find a solution --- that is a Major issue for anyone with only 1 PC