I came across this answer to the "131" errors in the event viewer from a few different sources. I tried it last night and found that today I had no 131 errors. At least not yet. Recently it's been about 10 - 12 per day with ~4 right after booting up in the morning.
Look at the 1st answer from this thread about changing the "time" source >
https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/04e31d9e-90ec-4d05-94ab-d2b53b026453/metadata-staging-failed-device-setup-manager-eventid-131-0x80070490?forum=win10itprosetup I'll be checking here & there to see if I get any more of these errors, but my system has been up & running about an hour now & no errors yet. So far so good...
I found a good explanation as to why the "time source" makes a difference, but can't find the site today. I looked through so many yesterday... It had something to do with how fast the OS checks installed devices and with a very short timeout, if it doesn't find the metadata in that time frame, it errors out. Changing the time source to what's found in the link above is more accurate which stops these errors. We'll see over time here.
Control panel > Date & Time > Internet Time tab > Change Settings > set server to "time.nist.gov" and click "Update now.