2017/10/23 08:39:12
Thanks for this post. I could use some advice though... Speedfan doesnt jive with my chipset, MSI Z170 and refuses to regulate fan speeds or even properly display RPM's or temps. From looking through the speedfan bug tracker it seems to be a common thing with this series of MSI boards, it just doesnt work. Any other alternatives? I Would like to be able to have some degree of control over the fans on my $850 card.

You could use the functionality built into your motherboard's BIOS to set the fan speed to a compatible motherboard header based on CPU temperature. In most rendering situations -- especially gaming --, GPU load creates CPU load. So, CPU temperature works pretty well for controlling GPU fan speed. Just make sure you don't use a zero RPM setting in such a situation ... just in case.

Thanks for the reply! I believe that's currently how I've got things set up so far, but I didn't mess with the fan curve. I'll have to play around with it. Unfortunately, I really wanted the granularity of being able to target the GPU's temp for the fan's speed, and especially the option to have the whole 0db thing.
2017/12/31 18:01:03
thanks ill haft to try these solutions out
2018/01/24 03:05:49
I made a thread about this but noone has answered yet.  DO I have to place the radiator above the graphics card?  I have a corsair 760t and the bottom case fan mount is the only 120mm so I was going to mount it there but in the box for my 1080ti sc hybrid it says to place it above the gpu which would mean the back of my case but I just bought a bunch of corsair white led ML fans and If I mount it on the back Ill be stuck with an extra 140mm and missing a 120mm...  Any advice would be appreciated.  Does anyone here mount their radiator for their hybrid on the bottom?

Maybe , you didn't get it ,,,,,,

2018/01/24 08:04:19
Mount radiator above card
2018/01/30 11:47:28
Very similar to the fan curves I have set up on my devices.  Only spins up when under load.  Good work.
2018/01/30 18:41:54
Very nice
2018/02/15 07:04:33
what is actual noise difference between fan or hybrin on gpu?
2018/02/15 16:47:51
Personally I don’t really find that there’s that much a difference in volume. It’s just a different sound. If you’re thinking about getting one solely for silence you might be disappointed. I’ve had several hybrid cards and you will definitely hear a low hum from the pump unless you open up the card and connect the header to your motherboard to lower the speed. It won’t necessarily be much quieter but a hybrid card will definitely cool a lot better at about the same volume and keep frequencies more stable. So if performance is priority number one go for it.
2018/03/10 19:10:44
Morgan MLGman
Honestly, I find it a bit sad that this is even an issue.
I recently acquired a GTX 1080 FTW Hybrid (upgraded from a Gigabyte GTX 980Ti XTREME GAMING) and I found it very loud, mainly because of the radiator fan which cannot go below 56% speed...
How is it possible that there's completely no control over it? Why isn't it running at lower RPM when idle?
I tried connecting the stock fan to a 4-pin header on my ASUS ROG MAXIMUS VII HERO ALPHA motherboard and controlling it through ASUS AI Suite 3, but if anything it only made things worse because the fan wouldn't go below 60% no matter what I did - so the only real option for me to get a quieter Hybrid GPU is buying an aftermarket, static pressure-oriented fan to slap it on the radiator and then connect it to my motherboard.
I've got to admit that I'm a bit disappointed as this is my first EVGA card and I've heard a lot of good things about them in the past.
2018/03/10 20:35:31
what is actual noise difference between fan or hybrin on gpu?

I think hybrid has an advantage, but to realize the advantage, the radiator fan would have to be replaced with a better one (better brand, and PWM). Stock setup is probably louder than non-hybrid at low load, but probably similar at high load.

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