Swapped a Crunching/Folding rig out today to a new case and reworked the cooling loop on the CPU to tidy things up. Which started out good and turned into a nightmare when I couldn't find the new tubing I wanted to use. I found some left over tubing from another build that is
supposed to be blue but looks
I was hoping for better temperatures on the GPUs, they are better but not what I was hoping for. Sooooooooo several different fan configurations and I had them as good as they were going to get for being 2/ 970s stacked on each other above a 1060 with the case sides on. Well, I didn't like the temperatures after running Collatz for about an hour soooooooooooo I took 1 970 out and will have to deal with being down a GPU until my ICX's come back from the upgrade. So for now it's done until I have to swap in the new ICX's and probably have to reconfigure the fans again! Nothing special, but it works!
The hose coming off the CPU is crooked and it annoys me, if it weren't for wanting to swap out the MOBO...I'd rigid tube this thing.
Might seem crazy.....but if I could find 1080 water blocks cheap......I'd put the 1060s under water.............according the the Ek configurator they are supposed to fit.
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