It is best to run one at a time in the long run.
Is what will happen if you run two at a time one will stop running and the other project will start up and then after a set time it will stop and return to the other project and start back up.
This would cause tasks to take 10 times if not longer to complete.
I will post an image of the % under Resource share you set.
My rigs pull between 500-600 Watts on the CPU Side and on the GPU Side.
What is Aminer?
Cobra, Aminer, Folder, Butch, Lester, Hybrid and Grunt are the names of my computers that are folding for SmookinJoe et al...
Hybrid, Cobra, and Folder are crunching too
500watts would represent your whole computer. The numbers I was quoting were taken from Asus AI suite and are what just the cpu is using.
I see the Projects list and the resource numbers but how do you adjust them. Mine each say 100 with 50% in brackets.
How do you adjust the percentage?
Usage Limits in computing options? % of computing time?
These seem to be global settings for all projects and not for any specific project.
The setting for switching between tasks is 120 minutes.
Should this number be higher?