Someone found a GFN20 prime. Nice!!!
Generalized Fermat Prime Search
On 9 August 2022, 11:56:02 UTC, PrimeGrid's Generalized Fermat Prime Search found
the Mega Prime:
The prime is 6,595,985 digits long and will enter Chris Caldwell's “The Largest Known
Primes Database” ( ranked 1st for Generalized Fermat
primes and 13th overall.
The discovery was made by Kazuya Tanaka of Japan using an NVIDIA GeForce RTX
3080 Ti in an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz with 64GB RAM, running
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional x64 Edition. This GPU took about 1 hour, 2 minutes
to complete the probable prime (PRP) test using GeneferOCL5. Kazuya Tanaka is a
member of Team 2ch.
The prime was verified on 10 August 2022, 17:39:14 UTC by Jens Katzur of Germany
using an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 in an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5675 @ 3.07GHz
with 40GB RAM, running Linux Ubuntu. This computer took about 1 hour, 36 minutes to
complete the probable prime (PRP) test using GeneferOCL5. Jens Katzur is a member
of Planet 3DNow!.
The PRP was confirmed prime on 11 August 2022 by an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @
3.4GHz, running Linux Mint. This computer took about 51 hours, 52 minutes to complete
the primality test using LLR2.
The credits for the discovery are as follows:
1. Kazuya Tanaka (Japan), discoverer
2. PrimeGrid, et al.
3. AthGFNSieve, sieve program developed by David Underbakke
4. GFNSvCUDA , sieve program developed by Anand Nair
5. GeneferOCL5, probable prime program developed by Yves Gallot
6. LLR, primality program developed by Jean Penné
7. LLR2, primality program developed by Pavel Atnashev
Entry in “The Largest Known Primes Database” can be found here: