• Crunching@EVGA
  • Crunching Team general open ended discussions (p.115)
2022/01/22 19:57:23
Looks like I may have lost a chiller today, Not Happy but it did last a few years.
2022/01/22 20:54:06
What's it doing, or not doing?
Have an electric meter and the schematic to it?
Maybe worth having a local HVAC-R co. have a look at it.
Might be something simple. And cheaper if you drop it off to their shop than come to your house.
2022/01/23 00:17:43
I ordered the  EXC-900 Portable 900W Recirculating Liquid Chiller, 110VAC /60Hz today.
It is not cooling as well as it has been, it just stated to do this. It is 2 or 3 years old now.
I am looking for an AC place to take it and have it checked out, it just may need new R-134a.
I am also seeing this on my other one as well as I test it on my new X299 Dark rig with the RTX 2080 KPE GPU.
I am going to put the one I just got the the X299 and put it on the Z590 Dark rig with the RTX 3090 KPE GPU and use the EXC-900 on the X299 Dark Rig.
2022/01/26 23:59:19
Tonight's Guiding.

Stating to get a hang of this stuff, but it has been a few years in the learning process.
2022/02/19 09:51:31
Talk about Bad USPS
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2022/02/22 11:37:13
I miss WCG.
Stinks they have to be down so long to switch things over to the new servers and all.
2022/02/22 12:02:29
I miss WCG.
Stinks they have to be down so long to switch things over to the new servers and all.

WGC will be back on my Number One List for both my Dell Servers.
But for now all I hope is that they do right and we have Better and Faster Back End Servers running WGC.
2022/02/23 10:51:42
I also miss WCG, I would like my cpu busy while I wait for wcg to come back.  I created a primegrid profile and tried adding the primegrid project to my boinc manager, but I keep getting a "failed to add project" please try again later. 
2022/02/23 12:11:00
I also miss WCG, I would like my cpu busy while I wait for wcg to come back.  I created a primegrid profile and tried adding the primegrid project to my boinc manager, but I keep getting a "failed to add project" please try again later. 

What version of the Client are you running.
You need the Current Version to get the correct ca-bundle.crt file.
Once you have ca-bundle.crt file save it do a new Folder this way you can go back to an Older Version of BOINC and then Copy the ca-bundle.crt file over.
Also make sure you set your PG settings to run CPU and or GPU and if you use BAM! make sure you also set to run on CPU and or GPU.
I do not see that you have BAM! setup for PG.
2022/03/02 06:17:12
To Funny.

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