EVGA_JacobFCheck out Power-Meter, it is a handy tool to find the right PSU for your system! Continually being updated:
Sharky21EVGA_JacobFCheck out Power-Meter, it is a handy tool to find the right PSU for your system! Continually being updated: I have a question based on buying a new psu .Q I live in the uk if i bought a new psu would it have the UK plug socket?
FighterGamer67Sharky21EVGA_JacobFCheck out Power-Meter, it is a handy tool to find the right PSU for your system! Continually being updated: I have a question based on buying a new psu .Q I live in the uk if i bought a new psu would it have the UK plug socket?have to make sure it's made for the country. I'm sure that plug country type is listed. Would be nice if all plugs were universal across the world.