2020/10/06 04:37:41
I got to tell ya, having a huge CPU cooler and an ITX motherboard is scary for overclocking. Thankful for the Temp sensors. Was getting degradation in performance over time and though my temps were in the 80s C, both CPU and GPU in hardware monitor, I didn't think too much about it. Then I remembered that it has other sensors so I pulled up the temp sensors, and my jaw hit the floor. The main die temp sensor was reading 82C, but the back of the GPU temp was 96C. This was insane so I first ordered a GPU stand and PCIe extension. And this helped my temps a lot. CPU would spike in the 70s C, but be in the high 60s C with a load. The GPU was amazingly now never going over 65C but was still unstable. Had never taken a GPU apart yet have replaced the thermal paste on my CPU many times so I figured I would try it on the GPU. I got it apart, cleaned the old paste off, and put the new paste on fearful it would never boot again. And it booted, better than new. Able to OC my GPU much higher than before and very stable. Good thermal paste for the win!!
2020/11/13 11:03:42
U know what?.....im going to try it. >)
2020/11/24 02:36:29
hey, @the_Scarlet_one , just to be clear I don't have to do this if I bought my 1070 FTW2 recently, right?

Because I did check with my SN, however I can only find the checking process on the American site and I bought my card in Europe, also yet again there is no feedback when I input my SN... so all I can do is "assume" I don't need the thermal pads, but you know what they say about that.

Well, I don't have an issue with temps per say, though I find it a bit suspicious how far I have to crank up the fans compared to my previous gpu.

I get 49C which is ok, at 60-70 % fan speed at ~97% usage, which is, loud...

Tldr: is there a way to check this without opening up the card and does the American evga site have the data for cards sold in Europe or do you have a link where I could check (I know they say "sold after..." but for all I know this card could have been sitting in a warehouse for years before I bought it...)
2020/11/24 03:46:48
Nope you shouldn’t have to worry about this with the FTW2.
2020/11/24 07:33:08
Nope you shouldn’t have to worry about this with the FTW2.

ok, thanks, I was really worried about this prior buying this card because I read all kinds of stuff on reddit... info seems to have been wrong tho, and yeah, temps seem to be obviously very good on my card. :o
2020/12/02 22:23:49
wow thank you. warranty still applied right?
2020/12/14 18:42:56
Thanks for this!
2020/12/25 06:27:54
I can't get them to respond to my ticket. I've asked them if they still deliver these pads or not because I plan to re-paste my GTX1070 AC3 and should put those pads in. I've heard that pads they send have subpar thermal conductivity (<2 W/mK) so buying my own might be safe solution.
2020/12/25 06:38:30
I can't get them to respond to my ticket. I've asked them if they still deliver these pads or not because I plan to re-paste my GTX1070 AC3 and should put those pads in. I've heard that pads they send have subpar thermal conductivity (<2 W/mK) so buying my own might be safe solution.

You can buy your own, and currently EVGA is going to be closed during the Christmas break.

The 2W/mK Doesn’t mean much, as long as the pads are in good condition. I have tried the 6, 11, and 17 w/mK pads, and they all performed exactly the same from what I could tell. In the end, the only noticeable difference was that the extremely expensive ultra high performance pads fell apart when trying to remove them. The company claims of performance asked just that, claims.

Speaking with gamersnexus, I sent over a couple of hundred dollars worth of thermal pads, and they were going to try and find a way to test them. They were never able to find a definitive way to test the pads.

Don’t buy into the hype of super expensive pads, as it is a waste of money.
2020/12/26 11:23:01
Roger roger. I have those pink thermal pads 6W/mK sitting around, but Im out of 1.5mm one so I will have to wait for that. Thanks the_Scarlet_one :)
PS I have asked them a week ago

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