2016/10/17 07:25:53
I tried that van der waerden on my 4 core i5-357os in Linux the hord folding appliance.
It installed and DL 4 WUs, started one and stopped and then all four said "waiting to start."
I waited a while and it was a no go. So I del the project for now.  I'll try later in win7 pro.
My back is killing me right now, going to hit the heating pad for a while.

We found that the van der waerden project is too picky, and I suggest we do WCG.
This is a super idea because I move around the projects I work on - for example I currently have a machine doing WCG, one doing Primegrid, a couple doing srbase, one doing Einstein, one doing pogs three doing collatz
So if we select a leader or just take suggestions from people in the group and vote on it then I will focus everything I have that particular project.
Bcavnaugh, Yodap and I have an informal challenge on enigma - keeps it fun.
I am trying as hard as I can to catch bcav on collatz, but I seriously am running 10 projects, just check my points on all crunching dc stats page
Just bouncing some ideas around.
2016/10/17 16:30:26
@robbysites If you are talking about yodap for November running WCG that is a good one as we do have an event on WCG in November. 12th WCG Birthday Challenge Nov 16th to Nov 22th 2016
2016/10/18 05:34:56
@robbysites If you are talking about yodap for November running WCG that is a good one as we do have an event on WCG in November. 12th WCG Birthday Challenge Nov 16th to Nov 22th 2016

Yes I am - I think it is a great idea and it will not interfere with TZC since it is all CPU. I am for it.
We need to decide on a leader or vote by committee (the committee includes everyone participating.)
I vote aye for November wcg. If you can read this - post your idea on moving forward!
---Let's shoot for a definitive answer as to the way it is organized and vote on a project by this Friday
2016/10/18 12:49:35
(the committee includes everyone participating) I wish more members would come on board with this.
2016/10/18 20:13:32
I'm in on this idea.  WCG sounds good!
2016/10/18 20:47:47
I'm in on this idea.  WCG sounds good!

yodap you are up for November. WGC 12th WCG Birthday Challenge  November 16th to the 22th
yodap PG- 18-23 November-    18:00:00-  AP27-    Wallis is Born Challenge
Or are you saying Both?
HK-Steve for December
robbysites for January 5 Day Pogs Challenge,
Opolis for February.
Hay Wait is this not the Other Bills Job!
2016/10/18 21:17:37
You're doing fine, this is a team effort.  I did my job by getting this back in the forefront.
Never have to ask me twice to crunch WCG.
2016/10/19 06:00:31
You're doing fine, this is a team effort.  I did my job by getting this back in the forefront.
Never have to ask me twice to crunch WCG.

nice and to the point
Well said well spoken!
2016/10/19 06:24:18
Cool, Sounds like a plan..
2016/10/20 04:22:16
I crossed the 1 million line in Enigma so moved over to WCG.

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