There are different ways to test for leaks -- the one you listed is one of them -- I'm suspect about the 1 hr test telling you much about small leaks
Very small leaks - or if something comes loose - are what you find with an extended test by pressurizing the loop with your pump.
Because water / coolant is Not compressible it "could" still be an issue if you only use air pressure.
Leak-down tests such as the one you listed are better than nothing -- but not as good as running the loop
Remember a proper leak test --ONLY powers the pump -- No power to anything else
If loop does leak you do not want to have an electric short that kill your MB, CPU,RAM, GPU, PSU, or other things in your build
Remember---> everyone has leaks for time to time
AS you gain experience; you may be comfortable with shorter leak tests -- the risk is yours to take