2016/08/31 15:56:44
Post your rig in here and you may be added to evga.com homepage :)

That's cool.  Refreshed a few times until mine came up
2016/08/31 22:47:42
Hey guys just uploading my dg87 build. tell me what you all think

2016/09/01 06:18:09
wow that UV and clear actually looks really nice. well is it UV? and did you ever think of adding a drop or two of UV reactive purple dye?
2016/09/01 10:06:36
That's actually straight distilled water I may do some uv drops pretty soon. Thanks for the tip
2016/09/01 21:24:48
Post your rig in here and you may be added to evga.com homepage :)

After about 50 refreshes my build finally showed up.  Probability is a cruel mistress when a build that shows up as an error comes up more than yours. 
2016/09/02 13:57:02
Aaaand done!

Don't mind the color scheme going on with the LED's, that is changing, that was first bootup after setting it all up.

2016/09/02 15:22:58
now that's epic. i would adjust the RGB's on the cards to green and find a way to make the res LED green and you'll be set, that or some other consistent color. and you cable management! WOW, practically perfect, top notch build.
2016/09/02 15:23:58
Thanks! All LEDs went to white, it was just color cycling on the cards and board, they were set to Demo mode.
2016/09/07 10:33:02
Well guys my main DG87 build is complete let me know how it looks or what i should do to improve. Thanks for viewing!!

2016/09/07 10:44:38
wow, very nice! the only comment i have for you is that you should invest in some cheap cable combs to train your cables and make it look perfect.

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