Here is mine sofar. Need to get a shelf made for bottom tho. If anyone makes them for these cases please let me know.
You should post more pictures, from this one your computer look very interesting.
No better PC case for people who want to build system with SSI-EEB motherboards for home.
Or retro build with EVGA SR-2 and SR-X Classified.
GIGABYTE C621 Aourus, ASUS Dominus, SR-2, EVGA SR-3 Dark... I can't understand if someone buy EVGA SR-3 Dark to look for something else.
DG-87 is natural, even if need some modifications.
This is nicest motherboard on planet and DG-87 expose her perfectly.
This is to much beauty for one motherboard and make to feel bad...
If you have this motherboard, then you can install CPU of i3, DDR2, PCI-E 2.0 performance.
From other side I could imagine EVGA DG-87 half size from aluminum. Sick. Size for Mini ITX Board.
Absolutely same only small, Mini ITX board and option for 240mm radiators on top and bootom.