2014/07/05 07:45:05
Couldn't get it above 1900MHz. it's not the ram, this kit can reach 2330MHz CL9 13-13-34 1t 1.65v on my old AMD A55 board.
My current system oc settings:
CPU: 4009MHz 1.3125V/ VTT 150+/ 19x211/ 3790MHz QPI 1.2V/ 3370MHz NB
Ram: 844MHz (1690MHz)/ CL8 8-8-20 1t 1.5v
Running dual channel with 2x4GB sticks.
2014/07/05 11:44:33
With that high of bclk, that would make it more difficult.  What I would try is if you want a 4GHz CPU OC, use 20x201 instead of 19x211.  Then up your VTT to +200mV to start.  Then up your dimm voltage to 1.680v.
If that doesn't work, start increasing your VTT in 25mV increments until stable.  Hopefully you'll be able to run the ram freq you want before needing +300mV.
If the 1st settings I mentioned work, then begin decreasing VTT in 25mV increments until unstable, then go back up.
2014/07/05 12:02:40
Thanks, i'll try it when the power comes back on :P
2014/07/05 12:02:40
Edit: double post
2014/07/05 13:15:36
Usually a 2T timing will make that much easier. Have you tried that? Maybe try 10-12-10-34 2T 1.65v or maybe a little lower voltage.Everywhere I go to look up the actual specs links me to it being 1333mhz ram, is that right? If so that's a good overclock, especially with no heat spreaders!
2014/07/05 13:44:43
Usually a 2T timing will make that much easier. Have you tried that? Maybe try 10-12-10-34 2T 1.65v or maybe a little lower voltage.Everywhere I go to look up the actual specs links me to it being 1333mhz ram, is that right? If so that's a good overclock, especially with no heat spreaders!

Yeah, the chips are 30nm so they don't even get warm. This is the specific ram: http://www.memory4less.com/m4l_itemdetail.aspx?itemid=1459762274
I'll try 2T, stock settings for these are 1333MHz 9-9-9-24 2T 1.5v so it may work better.
2014/07/05 14:16:34
Didn't work , thanks though.
2014/07/06 12:35:32
You've also tried easing the memory timings a bit as well?
2014/07/06 12:52:39
You've also tried easing the memory timings a bit as well?

Ya, even tried 13-13-13-31 2T and no luck.
2014/07/08 06:56:23
Have you tried running a higher mem speed without a CPU OC at all?  What happens when you try to run the mem speed you want?  Can't boot?  Unstable while testing?  Or??

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