• Crunching@EVGA
  • Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in* (p.9)
2014/07/03 00:33:04
Welcome aboard CR1962!!!
2014/08/15 11:29:40
Hey everybody! Been folding/Crunching again for several months again now, was f@home for a while but joined BOINC in May of this year after massively upgrading my systems and have pretty much switched over to using it completely! Love the space/science projects and have now dedicated most of my systems to POGS and PRIME (as you can see below). Not bad for 3 months :)
Gimme some love with a +1, I could always use more power for the benefit of science! Now crunching for Team EVGA!

2014/08/15 11:47:53
Hey everybody! Been folding/Crunching again for several months again now, was f@home for a while but joined BOINC in May of this year after massively upgrading my systems and have pretty much switched over to using it completely! Love the space/science projects and have now dedicated most of my systems to POGS and PRIME (as you can see below). Not bad for 3 months :) Here's my rig ->  (gimme some love and a +1, I could always use more power for the benefit of science!) Now crunching for Team EVGA!

Welcome to the Team and Tanks for Joining.
See for what is going on the last part of August.
EVGA POTM August 2014 SETI@Home Wow!-Event 2014 - 15th August Thurogh 29th August 2014 
2014/08/20 05:07:49
Thanks to a prod from bcav I've moved forward, slightly, from just "thinking about it".
Now in the inquisitive investigation stage. Glad to see many of the usual suspects here too.
Don't really know what resources I'll be committing yet. I guess part of that, as AB says, is down to the projects I'd like to contribute to. So maybe another general prod forward would be appreciated.
Hardware -
My hardware currently folding that may switch to Crunching - got two G34 rigs folding -bigadv (64-core & 48-core) which i may switch over, depending on what happens when/if -bigadv stops. - got 3x670s and a 780 rig which are currently getting ambushed by core15 projects (the apparent mis-match of projects/hardware/reward is annoying).
I also still have a few 4P socket-F boards (retired after -bigadv core limit increased) that could also be brought back into play.
But I'll be moving house sometime soon, maybe only for the shortterm - can't say atm, so hard to commit anything yet.
Project preference -
I'm a sciency kind of chap and am looking to contribute to our understanding of the natural sciences and the betterment of humanity -ish. Projects such as SETI, in my mind, do not fit into those categories (though I won't criticise others that feel to the contrary). And while I'd love to find a prime number, that's more my ego talking
Feel free to pose suggestions - I'll start a new thread to avoid ambushing this one.
2014/08/22 15:45:27
Welcome everyone! 
2014/09/03 12:40:22
Project preference -
I'm a sciency kind of chap and am looking to contribute to our understanding of the natural sciences and the betterment of humanity -ish. Projects such as SETI, in my mind, do not fit into those categories (though I won't criticise others that feel to the contrary). And while I'd love to find a prime number, that's more my ego talking
Feel free to pose suggestions - I'll start a new thread to avoid ambushing this one.

There is a limited number of things for GPU crunching, but if you want to stick to diseases GPU grid is a great start and World Community Grid has that and clean energy projects. As for the sciency your pure processing power opens you up to a great deal like LHC @ Home (The Large Hadron Collider), and climateprediction.net has some huge projects that would fit your bill quite nicely. Hope I gave you a prod in the right direction. 
2014/09/06 06:35:33
Welcome all the new folks, and window shoppers =]. Today I bring you a tip to help you get started..........
There are a few options that I find comforting for me...
If a person wants to gain some points and fast... Run PPS (Sieve) (A PrimeGrid GPU project, not the CPU version). On A single GTX780 I get about 550,000 PPD on that. I hope to get another 780 once the new GPU's come out so I can run a pair of them.
Now I bounce around with the GPU for different projects, but under most circumstances that is a project that is running most of the time. Then I switch projects with my 12 cores my i7-3930k has with all the other CPU projects. Every few weeks I switch from one CPU project to another... So I can chase Badges and or help teammates in a need or contest. 
2014/09/07 16:12:17
Good tip Afterburner! With a GPU you can rack up some nice points with Prime Grid, GPU Grid, or Collatz. I also jump around with my CPU. It depends on if there is a contest going on or if I have a personal goal I want to hit with a certain project. Then there is the team Project of the month, I try to run that for a bit of the month if not the whole month. Some months I just use my i7 laptop for the PoTM and put my i5 on something else. I'm not one to set a project and let it run indefinitely. I want to try them all out but I always go back to my preferred Bio/Medical projects sooner or later.
2014/10/28 15:07:31
Ok, you talked me into it. Some fracas with my fellow countrymen a cause for concern, apparently. On it.
2014/10/29 02:38:04
Ok, you talked me into it. Some fracas with my fellow countrymen a cause for concern, apparently. On it.

You are more than welcome BadBertie  
I'm sure you will find it most interesting to be able to have the freedom to choose among a wide range of projects.
It will be an honor to have you crunching with us

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