• Crunching@EVGA
  • Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in* (p.7)
2014/01/31 15:34:53
Well now, I can't believe I over looked this thread.
With all that being said about my personal goals, I am more than willing to stop what I am doing and jump into other projects when the team needs me for contests or some other kind of goal. Just give me a heads up and I will be there.


BTW... You did not overlook this thread. It was not stickied, so I changed that this morning =]
2014/02/02 05:01:56
Whew... thank goodness for that AB!  Welcome again Khalifrio... there are a lot of reasons or motivating factors for what we do for many of our team members.  Whatever the reason is I'm just glad to have you all on the team!
Crunch'em if you got 'em!
2014/02/04 05:04:18
Well now, I can't believe I over looked this thread.
With all that being said about my personal goals, I am more than willing to stop what I am doing and jump into other projects when the team needs me for contests or some other kind of goal. Just give me a heads up and I will be there.


BTW... You did not overlook this thread. It was not stickied, so I changed that this morning =]

Phew, thank god for this msg. When I first saw this thread I felt sooo stupid for introducing myself in a New thread.
Ok, have to run, have a Whole lotta folding to do
2014/03/06 20:33:46
Hey guys, just started doing this.  Also doing the Folding@home.  My two laptops will being doing the crunching and my desktop will be platooning between folding and crunching.  Glad to be a contributor. 
2014/03/07 04:01:57
Great to hear that you have joined us Grey-beard, and I see that you are already with us in the PrimeGrid Challenge! 
2014/03/07 04:09:33
Welcome aboard Grey Beard!  Nice to have another team member cross over to the dark side... wanna a cookie?
2014/03/07 04:42:11
Welcome, Grey_Beard! Hopefully you'll enjoy the wide variety of projects and work types here. If you have any questions, just ask. And enjoy the crunch!
2014/03/07 07:31:41
Welcome, Grey_Beard! Hopefully you'll enjoy the wide variety of projects and work types here. If you have any questions, just ask. And enjoy the crunch!

Will do thanks for the warm welcome.

Welcome aboard Grey Beard!  Nice to have another team member cross over to the dark side... wanna a cookie?

Only if that cookie gets me bonus points while crunching. Dark side? Princess Leah told me this was the Force.

Thanks for the welcome message guys.
2014/03/25 21:25:33
I wouldn't say I am necessarily crossing over to the dark side, but I am at least taking a look at it  Basically, I am putting some GPU work in while waiting for core 17's to come back in stock over on the folding side.
Einstein@Home intrigued me, so I got it all up and going as my first crunching project. After running it for a few hours, I do have a question. Is it normal for the GPU to be very underutilized? It started running at a constant 50% load, and now is constantly bouncing between a 2% and 47% load. I am not sure if this is a limitation of the project, or something is set up wrong in my settings? As I said before, this is my first time crunching, so I am not sure what to expect. I just assumed it would run my GPU harder than this. The CPU, on the other hand, continues to plug right along as expected.
Glad to be here, and may be around this side more often, depending on the future situations.
2014/03/25 21:35:12
Yes, some BOINC projects don't fully utilize your hardware like folding does.  On the Einstein website you can go to Your Account -> Einstein@home preferences and change the gpu utilization factor.  1 is default, 0.5 will run two tasks per gpu and .33 will run 3 tasks, etc.  I have run 0.5 without any problems to better utilize the gpu.
Oh yeah...and "welcome" to all our new teammates!!

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