• Crunching@EVGA
  • Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in* (p.16)
2017/03/24 09:36:56
Exnihilo Curatio
This is just a test to see if my Sig. banner shows up now.
Aaaaaaaaaaand it doesn't :(
And now it does!!! 

2017/03/25 08:25:09
Welcome aboard Exnihilo Curatio.
2017/03/25 15:56:16
Exnihilo Curatio
Thanks to all for the warm welcome.
Now....MUST....GET....MORE ...BADGES!
2017/03/26 07:10:10
Exnihilo Curatio
Is there a way to make PrimeGrid use ONLY the GPU on a computer?  I've found a way to make it not use the GPU but not the other way around.
I don't mind if it uses part of one core while doing the GPU work but I only want GPU tasks on this particular computer as I have another computer doing only CPU tasks (for electrical efficiency reasons).
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
2017/03/26 08:30:31
Exnihilo Curatio
Is there a way to make PrimeGrid use ONLY the GPU on a computer?  I've found a way to make it not use the GPU but not the other way around.
I don't mind if it uses part of one core while doing the GPU work but I only want GPU tasks on this particular computer as I have another computer doing only CPU tasks (for electrical efficiency reasons).
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Better off to start a new thread when you have questions like this, It will get more traffic than the "Welcome" thread. Not trying to be "harsh" although it looks that way, apologies if you think I was.
With that said:
You need to log in to your PrimeGrid account> Preferences> PrimeGrid Preferences> Scroll all the way down to the "Edit PrimeGrid Preferences" Hit the link and then change it to NOT use your CPU, You will also need to select projects that do not require the CPU to be used. Scroll down the list and make sure no CPU boxes are checked.

Scroll whole list to make sure you have no CPU boxes checked:


Attached Image(s)

2017/03/26 10:04:36
Exnihilo Curatio
Howdy2u2, no offense taken. I just wasn't sure where to put the question.
I took your advice and figured a way to do it using the prefs. I just had to make a separate profile for each computer and do it that way.
Thanks very much.
2017/03/26 10:15:40
Exnihilo Curatio
Howdy2u2, no offense taken. I just wasn't sure where to put the question.
I took your advice and figured a way to do it using the prefs. I just had to make a separate profile for each computer and do it that way.
Thanks very much.

Ahh yeah I should have mentioned that too!!!
Your welcome and I see your stacking up badges quite nicely too!!
2017/04/28 15:31:44
What is crunching really.  been always curious.
2017/04/28 18:10:15
What is crunching really.  been always curious.

Crunching is a name for running BOINC work tasks.
BOINC is a client software that projects use to distribute work units to be *crunched* by us donors.
We donate computer power to help science.
We are looking for cures for AIds, cancer, Alzhimers, Zika, Ebola clean air and water projects come and go, WCG World community Grid.
We help map the heavens with POGs and Milkyway project.
We look for the largest prime numbers crunching PG PrimeGrid.
There are many other projects that I did not list. There are threads to go look at to see them all.
We also have monthly projects and challenges we join in for some team competitions.
2017/05/25 14:46:30
Should be "we look for large prime numbers crunching PG PrimeGrid" - the LARGEST primes have been getting found by the GIMPS project for a long time now and I think they currently "own" the 6 largest and 9 of the 10 largest primes ever found.
 The largest known prime has "almost always" been a Mersenne prime, as another spot on the utm page discusses.
 Is the BOINC "map the asteroids" project active, I've not checked on that one for a while.

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