ARRRGGGHHHH I'm pulling my hair out here. I have BOINC set up and WCG running fine, but I can't seem to sign up for anything that uses the GPU.
I tried to add Einstein at home through BOINC and it set up an account, but it used my user name from the computer instead of letting me choose one and I can't find a way to change it on the Einstein site.
It also won't let me choose a team.
I'm sure there is something easy I'm missing but I can't figure it out. Just to test I tried adding Asteroids at home and the same thing, it won't let me choose a user name or a team at signup.
BTW thanks Planetclown for the help, I did get an updated version of BOINC from there.
OK it looks like BAM! is not going to work as it wants to use the same email (OK) and password (NOT OK) for each project.
I'll keep trying to figure this out.
Edit: I think I have a (very small) handle on this. I can sign up to a project through BAM! then go to the site and change password and join the team.
Doing WCG on CPU and GPUGrid and Asteroids on the GPU.
Thanks for the help and I would appreciate any tips or tweaks.
MMMMM, Crunchy!