• Crunching@EVGA
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2015/05/20 15:46:06
been folding for evga when I can for quite a while , recently started running wcg on my phone at night and when im at work on the charger ... its not much but its something , hard to keep my main rig folding in florida with 90+ temps this time of year so I figured id get my phone crunching :)
2015/06/29 16:37:07
Running climateprediction when I remember to fire it up.  Joined the EVGA group.
2015/06/29 20:29:53
Welcome ursatz!
2015/06/29 20:39:56
Welcome Ben!
2015/12/22 08:38:26
Not New to crunching ... but new here ... I have been a member of [H] for 2.3 years
I am currently nominated for DCer of the month and have the most votes for this award.
yesterday  one of my 4Ps smoked the MB ... so i went to the buy/sell/trade pages to shop.
when i went to post a "Want To Buy" thread ... i was denied because i only had 83 posts
with a requirement of 100 to post there ... so i went to the DC threads (where i am know)
and started a thread that said: sorry guys there is nothing in this thread i just need 100 posts so i can shop for a New MB
and i posted 17 times in that thread ... The Result: .... was a Permanent  Ban from the Hard|OCP forums
you will see that i Have Joined your GPUGrid team, and the WCG team ... i have 450M Folding points, and have no more interest in it
what i would like is, some guidance to the right place to talk about the "Propietary GPU Drivers" V 346.96
and if they help with GPUGrid
also suggestions on where to get a deal on a new"to me" Supermicro 4P MB
obviously ... Ebay and the market place here
i am not being allowed to post in the WTB Market place?
if there is any interest:
i have a thread going at WCG on what it takes for a Box to Crunch ALL CEP2 WUs
waiting on parts to test the ideas presented here
thank you
2015/12/22 20:57:54
Welcome JTGrant.
I can't help much with the driver question because I'm not able to gpu crunch at all on Linux Mint 17.2. Folding no problem. I hope do more research on on it as time permits. My goal is to avoid Win 10 like the plague.
I was banned from MaximumPC years ago after 1 post. It was a benign post introducing myself to the folding team. I hope that doesn't happen to you here. lol
2015/12/22 21:02:11
well i have over 10  so ... in 4 more days i can PM

2016/11/04 10:03:46
Totally posted in the other thread....oh well.  Hi!  Been crunching with WCG since 2011 and just found out (like 5 minutes ago) that it was called crunching  when I started reading through the forum stuff.  Still fairly new to the forums myself.  Started folding with EVGA earlier this year and just added myself to the EVGA crunching team.  Recently passed the 5mil mark now that my server computer is on 24/7.  Slowly starting to set up myself to crunch with all the other projects as well.  For now I only have WCG.  
2016/11/04 16:05:49
Welcome aboard matey. No worries.
2016/11/04 18:21:30
 I may here soon. My hardware is getting a bit dated for it. All I have is a 2600K and 650Ti.

No worries about "dated" hardware.  I throw everything i'm not using in my gaming rig into my server and let it just run.  There's all kinds of mismatch stuff =D.  My wife's pc has a 2600k and it still crunches about 80% of the time. 

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