• Crunching@EVGA
  • Welcome all new members to Crunching@EVGA! *Please report in* (p.10)
2014/10/29 05:07:34
Aw shucks. No need to talk me up there Orange 1050. Even my closest friends will concede I have a significant lack of honour dispensing abilities! :-) Bring on the crunching!
2014/10/30 05:27:00
Incognito II
If no one minds, moved over from Sicituradastra. Only a part-time BOINC cruncher.
2014/10/30 05:34:47
Welcome Incognito II!
We don´t mind at all
2014/10/30 05:39:05
Welcome Incognito II.
2014/10/30 06:12:40
Welcome new bloods!
2014/10/30 06:47:42
AHA... I saw you in the stats page.
Seems you have been around crunching for a while.
You are very welcome
2014/10/30 07:47:43
Incognito II
Thanks for the welcome.
Yes I have been around for a while, but my main focus over the years  has been on individual prime number searching with BOINC being a side diversion from time to time. That is about to change as the prime search has gotten old, and with the larger portion of the farm in storage atm not enough processing power to continue.
Looking forward to a push on SIMAP before the end of the project and crunching more BOINC  in general for the foreseeable future.
Again, thanks for the welcome, very glad to be here!
2014/10/31 16:43:13
Johnny 5
Sorry, this post was a bit off topic, so I decided to make a new thread instead.
Best regards.
2014/10/31 17:11:06
Hi Johnny 5!
I'm not much of a "salesman" but I will have some leftover Halloween candy. MilkyWay bars for one.
Seriously, it's always nice to meet other crunchers.
Some of us have been known to "Trek" or help other teams for little or no reason. Good reasons too!
2014/10/31 17:21:34
Johnny 5
Cheers, yodap!
Yeah??? ...I do like those MilkyWay bars.

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