I just purchased an X20 wireless mouse on Amazon. I have an X17 and I am happy with the mouse ergonomics but wanted a wireless option. Setup was quick, FW updates completed successfully on the mouse and dongle. Unleash RGB 1.0.13 reported the mouse battery at 50% out of the box, so I used it for a few hours and left it plugged in over night to charge fully. Much to my surprise, the next morning the mouse only showed 96% charged. Good enough I guess, but after 10 hours of use during the day, the battery was down to 24%!
I've had numerous Logitech wireless mice in the past, which needed to be charged once a month... but this is terrible battery life. I have the LED set to static color (white) which I know can consume some battery but do I really need to charge this mouse every night?
Any other owners seeing the similar battery life or could I have gotten a bad unit?