New to PrecisionX, Question!

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2014/03/08 02:38:49 (permalink)
Hiya, got myself a 770 FTW and made myself a fan curve, as it seems my card gets rather hot in BF4 (75-77) and wanted to ask a question on the Temp Target setting, if I set this to 74 it should keep my temps around that temperature right? or below, but when I record log and read it I see 75-77's is it not working right for me? Do I need to be overclocking with the other sliders in order for Temp Target to work, ATM I havent messed with any Clock/Mem slider and just want to use Temp Target, also I have the arrow of priority pointing down. Any help is appreciated! 
post edited by rez11 - 2014/03/08 02:58:57

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    Re: New to PrecisionX, Question! 2014/03/08 12:07:57 (permalink)
    Hi and Welcome to the forums...
    Setting your temp target should maintain the temp you set it to.  Since you're using a custom fan curve, that may be overriding the auto setting.  I'm not sure.  I would suggest turning off your fan curve to run a test.  Allow your fan speed to run on auto settings to see if your temp target setting works.
    You don't have to be OC'ing for it to function.  I also don't know what the sensor polling period is, but it could be that you could see a temp a bit over what your temp target is before it starts bringing it back down to what you have set.

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    Re: New to PrecisionX, Question! 2014/03/08 15:54:48 (permalink)
    Oh, well I have the Auto checked, I assumed auto is for the Fan Curve? Should I leave Auto off if I want to use a fan curve? I also changed the polling time to 100 because I saw some on youtube do that, but I changed it to 1000 cause I had thought some noise was due to that lowered, I dont remember what the defaut was i think 5000? Is there a general setting people put this on?
    Another question: Do I need both Power Target and Temp Target linked (and Temp Target priority) in order for Temp Target to work? I've noticed that running 3dmark Vantage without them linked showed 75c when temp target was 73, but redoing benchmark with both Linked, max temp was 72c, under the limit, also when linked the power target dropped to 84% when at 73c target, but noticed it went to 92% probably because of the priority to Temp. Correct?
    post edited by rez11 - 2014/03/08 22:57:53
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    Re: New to PrecisionX, Question! 2014/03/09 08:20:05 (permalink)
    If you have the box checked in the properties under the fan tab for your fan curve, that overrides the factory fan control.  Uncheck the box in the properties menu to use the factory control and check "Auto" on the program interface itself.  I use the custom fan curve and I keep that number you refer to set to 1000.
    As far as the Power/temp targets, you can leave them linked or unlinked.  If linked, it will automatically throttle down to maintain either PT or temp whichever reaches the setting 1st.  Where you point the arrow will take priority.  If unlinked, it will use the one you point the arrow to as the priority.
    What I do is, set up a custom fan curve for my temp/fan control.  This way I can move the little boxes around on the curve to give me the best temp/fan noise control for my liking.  Then I unlink the power/temp control and set my PT up to max & just leave it there.  It's perfectly safe to leave it at max.  That way it won't throttle down everytime it reaches 100%.  The temp setting I just leave where it is by default because with my fan curve, it never reaches that high anyway.
    Best thing to do is play with it, test it etc; so you can see what setup works best for you...

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    Re: New to PrecisionX, Question! 2014/03/09 11:27:28 (permalink)
    Sooo, make sure the Enable Software Automatic Control is on in Fan menu, and uncheck the Auto button on precision x above fan curve button? I assumed the Auto button was meant for my fan curve
    this is how it looks 

    post edited by rez11 - 2014/03/09 11:30:35
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    Re: New to PrecisionX, Question! 2014/03/09 12:00:33 (permalink)
    The auto button on the program face is for using either auto (factory) fan control or manual control.  When you check the box in the fan properties tab, that overrides it.  You can test to verify, but as long as you are using the custom fan curve, I don't think it matters if you have auto on or off on the program face.

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