Just wow!
Ok so I was looking at the specs. The pump is only 6w and I was wondering, why would they go with such a weak pump for such a somewhat complex setup, say if you had that res, bends, x2 360 rads, 2-3 blocks total, etc. 6w to me is a AIO pump. Than I noticed, holy smokes, how are you suppose to bleed out the loop since there looks to be no way to open your res and release that pressure. So I figured, maybe instead of a 18w DDC (MCP35X) pump, they used a 6w 3.1 DDC pump so pressure doesn't get too extreme? I mean I haven't seen any of the premium pumps at full force blow a gasket if you will but maybe they went with the lesser because of pressure and the fact all the air pockets would settle to the top rad OR just maybe it was cost dependent and that's why they went with the lesser pump? If it were me, I'd swamp out the pump for a MCP35X. Should be the same size as that pump but with much more power.
They should also have added a threaded port up top of the res to bleed out the loop through the top of the case if possible.
With all that said, I still find it a bit pricey being only a 6w pump but if it were a 18w DDC pump, I think the pricing would have been perfect. $100 for the pump and $100 for the res.
post edited by GTXJackBauer - 2019/08/30 09:12:23