This is a tale of two computers, and it begins on Black Friday last ...
One of our favorite online retailers was running a great sale on the Samsung 1 TB 870 EVO SATA SSD .
Also on a Western Digital 2 TB silent double bearing HDD, and a couple of 120mm Noctua high speed Industrial grade fans .
It was then that the urge to upgrade hit, full-on :)
I would replace the smaller capacity SSD and HDD storage drives in the EVGA Z370 computer with these .
After delivery of the new drives, I had to swap them for the Hyperx 223 Gb SSD and Western Digital 1 Tb HDD in this drive cage:
... and put that into this:
( The two new case fans can be seen at the lower right )
Like this:
After a few tie-wraps, that is :)
So, then I "cascaded" the used EVGA computer drives into my old ASUS computer . The HDD replaces an older Western Digital 1TB
drive that is a good drive, but it "clicks", like the old hard drives did . Also, the Hyperx 223 Gb drive had to be mounted in the cage,
and fed . In order to do this I had to get a special flexible 90 deg. UP SATA cable to snake under the over-hanging graphics card .
See the cable below in the center with the white label still on it .
It was sold by Pactech, and is made of two individually shielded, silver colored cables . Very flexible .
There it is with everything installed . The cable doesn't touch the graphics card, or any mother board parts :)
Next I clean installed Windows10 on the ASUS computer Hyperx 223 Gb SSD . I had formatted both drives before removing them
from the EVGA computer . Now, Win10 boots much faster than it did from the old HDD 250 Gb partition ... with no clicking .
There was a lot of swapping big files back and forth between the two machines before and after moving their drive parts,
so I used a LAN cable to ease the process . Making a peer to peer LAN like this is easy on Win10 computers that have two NICs . you use the method above: remember to have ready your Microsoft Windows account name and password ( not PIN ), the onethat you used when you first installed Windows 10 on the computer(s) . One, or both computers will ask for them sooner, or later,but on the good side, it should only happen once . From then on you can file swap at a continuous 60-75 MB/S HDD to HDD,depending on the file type, destination, ect., w/o using password . I.E. transfered a folder with 16 Gigabytes of files in about 3 min.Might be done even faster on newer machines :)Also, use different valid ip addresses than the author did in the article for more security if you leave the LAN connected .I also limited the number of simultaneous users to a small number when setting up folder, and drive sharing .The other NIC on each computer remains connected to the internet router . It should not have to be reset at all . Old ASUS computer; ASUS P5K Premium Black Pearl edition with dual NICs M/B, Intel Q9650 CPU, 8 Gb OCZ ddr2 RAM, EVGA GTX 1080 GPU, Intel 160 Gb SSD system drive Windows Vista, Hyperx 223 Gb SSD system drive Windows 10, Western Digital 1 Tb HDD install games-virtual machine HDDs-storage, 1 ASUS DVDRW, 1 ASUS DVD, 1 Teac floppy, 1 card reader, and EVGA 750W PSU . Lian Li case . EVGA computer; EVGA Z370 ClassifiedK with dual NICs M/B, Intel 8086K CPU, 32 Gb Gskill ddr4 RAM, EVGA RTX 3080 GPU,
1 Gigabyte 1 Tb Nvme SSD AIC system drive Windows 10, 1 Sam 870 EVO 1 Tb SATA SSD install games-storage,
1 Western Digital 2 Tb HDD install games-storage, 1 LG Super-multi Bluray DVDRW, and EVGA 850W PSU . SilverStone case .
After cleaning up some files, and re-installing some programs, it all works great . I celebrated by buying four GOG games,
on sale, and installing them . Right now I'm watching a DVD movie, on sale from Wallmart, on the old computer running Vista
with Windows Media Player, and typing up this post on the EVGA machine in Win10 ... Multitasking :)
P.S. Happy New Year to one, and all .
To The Moon !
post edited by cotter32 - 2023/01/17 13:17:25