Ok... I recently built this system with a specific set of goals and target. If you want to read up on all of that see this build log (
Basically I built this system with nothing but pure gaming in mind. But like any addict... I could not hold back from trying to see what this system would do with a few of what I call "Known Safe Clocks". In other words... every single 920 CPU I have had CO or DO will run with these settings.
Four things to keep in mind...
- This system defies the norm of the GPU's and CPU being on separate loops or cooling setups. This system is running a single loop with one pump, three fans for the RAD with Old fans with the guts removed to make Shrouds... So this loop looks like this... Pump/Drain plug/GPU/GPU/Vreg/CPU/RAD/RES... So as you can see the CPU is the last in the loop to get any water. Yes I tried both ways and this was the best solution for my parts.
- I will be adding a third GPU to this loop later next month. According to my calculations, as long as I run my settings as seen in the last two pics below, I will never see above 62c as a temp in the loop while gaming any game. And this is with the fans set @ 55%. Not max...
- In no way shape or form do I consider myself an expert in Overclocking and have no right to suggest otherwise. However, more than a few times I have placed in the top ten here @ EVGA with systems in Mods Rigs, and place top ten a few times with HwBot as a team member @ 411Overkill and have been above AVG during a few competitions. So when I want to get down and dirty, plan on spending an entire weekend, and can find the limits of any particular set of parts and find what I can the "Bullet" proof settings and the "Crazy" run settings... You know.. The settings you use and you refuse to even be in the same room as the system is running a Vantage run for fear that you bodies natural electrical "Stuff" will push the system over the edge to "FAIL" BSOD or Driver stopped working... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.... lol...
- Goal is 4.000 ish and no more than 72c at max and or peak temp on the CPU with my fans @ 100% and no more than 70c @ my standard 55%. Knowing that if this is achieved, during gaming I will maintain my main goal of a total max temp of 62c.
Anyway. My addiction got me thinking over the past few days and I could not leave well enough alone. So here we are... lol
My expectations are not to exceed 70c with Intel Burn during this test. Knowing I would not ever have a game push the CPU past the stress or even anywhere near the stress of Intel Burn does. This is a quick and duty test that I found to be 99% accurate and does not need any real long runs. I only did it for the original run just for my own piece of mind...
Three set of pics...
First pic show my "Throw these settings at it, Guarantied to fire up". The watch the v's under load and take a snap shot halfway through (failed to save, but I wrote it down... This is my personal trick, it is how I find the needed v's for the Vcore faster, and not recommended by me to anyone BTW) and record.
Second set is with me going.. OK... Lets drop the v's almost .0500... Rinse and repeat. Third pic in that set is the screen shot showing the same as the second, but I hit close on the message instead of sliding down for viewing... sigh
The third set and last two are the final settings and placement I found to be the best for general gaming and such.
All major adjustments on #1 are in the BIOS, all adjustments after that had been done with Elete...
Second set...
And third set....