Re:P55 SLI and i5-661 BCLK not more than 190???
2010/06/07 21:21:31
try setting you VTT to 1.3V/1.35V it seems to be the VTT sweet spot on the FTW Also what MCH strap are you using?? I'm still playing around with the straps myself but for me under 200bclck I use 1600 strap every cpu is different but what are your PWM frequencies set to?? mine have to be set to at least 8XX for over 4.2ghz. let me know if this helps you.
ASUS P7P55D DELUXE--CI7-875K-4000MHZ-1.36V-- 4X2GB Crucial 1600MHZ--GTX560--Corsair TX950W