Possible perfect solution for Battlefield 4 spikes with high fps

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2013/11/06 19:36:03 (permalink)
The original Tread: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Windows-7-amp-Core-Parking-a-better-way-to-Turn-It-OFF-m1861804.aspx
- Go to Regedit
- Find this key:-  " 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583 "
- Within this key, there is a value called:  " ValueMax "
- This value represents the % number of cores the system will park - the default 100%  ie:  all Cores are potentially park-able
- Change the value from 64 to 0 so the " ValueMin "  and  " ValueMax " are both zero
- You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found - the number of instances will depend on the number of power profiles in your system  [  in my DAW it was only found twice ]
- Do a full shutdown and power-off and cold-re-start

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    Re: Possible perfect solution for Battlefield 4 spikes with high fps 2013/11/06 21:36:27 (permalink)
    Dont do that.
    There is a better way.
    First make a backup of your power config!
    Run command prompt as admin and type in the following command.
    powercfg /qh > powerconfig.txt
    Now navigate to C:\Windows\System32 and do a search for powerconfig.txt
    Backup that file!
    Now there are a few options here to turn off CPU Core Parking. I recommend the simple GUI called ParkControl.

    There is NO REBOOT required. This can let you easily test your system with or without CPU core parking. You might consider turning it OFF in High Performance (or similar power profile) and leaving it ON for Balanced or Power Saver. It is up to you.
    QUESTION: What is that NUMBER that is shown on the GUI? That is the % of cores that *must* remain *unparked*.
    Download ParkControl 32bit    Download ParkControl 64bit
    ParkControl is now integrated into Process Lasso v6.
    • Optimize processes, cores, and power consumption
    • Boost PC responsiveness during high loads with ProBalance 
      Automatically restrain monopolistic, out-of-control processes 
    • Energy Saver lets you run full throttle, while conserving power when idle
    • Automate and persist process settings, power profiles, and more!
    • Tiny footprint, using a stand-alone core engine written in native C++. You'll have no complaints about resource usage!
    You can also add the parking option into the windows power options with this registry tweak


    Shortly after AMD's Bulldozer platform was released performance was substantially increased after CPU Parking was disabled. Microsoft has later issued a hotfix to do just that for Windows 7 and Windows 2008/R2. More information, and the hotfix, can be found here: KB-2646060. User reports seem to indicate a similar issue exists on Intel i7 CPUs, and likely other modern multi-core processors. Windows CPU Parking seems just too aggressive, by default. The good thing is that you can use this tool to enable it in High Performance mode, but keep it in use in other power profiles. You can also compare and contrast the effects of disabling it in real time.
    post edited by OV3RCLK4 - 2013/11/06 21:50:52

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    Re: Possible perfect solution for Battlefield 4 spikes with high fps 2013/11/07 06:38:59 (permalink)
    I would like to "unpark" my CPU but since I don't give a crap about power usage will it hurt my i5-3570k to constantly be unparked? its got an aftermarket cooler the CM hyper 212 evo. Also in my power options I have a "minimum" and "maximum" processor state and in high performance these are both 100% does that mean my CPU is unparked?
    post edited by Skrimshaw - 2013/11/07 06:45:57
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