What I am thinking is this...
EVGA likes to keep the Sticky area small and clean. With that in mind...
Once a project has more than say five members attached to it (For example SETI) just send me or any Moderator (And link them this thread) for one sticky to be made that all important threads can be liked into for that project.
Like the WCG is now (
Now for those projects that have less than five member's in them, I have created a Sticky that will encompass all of those projects as they are brought to our attention. For these just PM me and I will add them to the Sticky for you

Now once you get Five or more members... We will create a Sticky like mentioned above for that specific Project.
Lastly... As we are small in numbers today. I think for now it would be best to create a Sticky that will link us to the many contests we will have in the future. Once we get larger enough I hope EVGA will create a sub-forum for the Contests....
Let me know if you have any other ideas or suggestions