I would definetly make the top fan an exhaust, and keep the rear fan as an exhaust, and the side fan as an intake.
Some cheap things to look into:
-Attach a 80mm fan to the cooler, blowing into the card, using some zip-ties.
-Using some zip-ties to add a fan to the lower half of your case. To circulate some air.
-Or opening a hole on your side panel, next to your video card and adding a fan there.
With the filters, I don't personally use them, as I'm to lazy to clean them, which would decrease the airfllow pretty good. Any filter will decrease the flow of the fan, depending on material, of course. I personally rather just carry it out to the garage and blow it out with the compressor when I feel it needs to be cleaned, rather than cleaning the filters.
The best fan filters are the
polyurethane foam filters. They come in most newer cases, and are the most efficient. Using any other type of foam might restrict the air flow too much.
Some things around the house that can be used as cheap filters are:
panty hose, dryer sheets (fabric softener sheets), and window screen. Panty hase are kinda hard to work with, and window screen is only going to catch large particles.
post edited by nick1551 - 2011/06/21 13:09:03