2015/08/25 10:50:32
For those of you experiencing SLI problems in Windows 10 please try this driver.
2015/08/25 12:06:54
Will be gone for two more weeks, but I hope to see everyone else's responses about this.
2015/08/25 15:25:47
I tested this driver running Batman AK.  It slowed the ramping up of VM use to a small degree, but still ended up using so much that it became a stutter fest just like with previous drivers.
I think the game itself has at least half the blame here as I don't have any issue's running SLI & playing Witcher3 with the last WHQL driver.
2015/08/25 15:56:04
Checking meow, will edit my post with results.
EDIT: WOOOOOOOOOO!!! This seems to have fixed it with flying colors for me. Played BF4, 64 man conquest, Siege of Shanghai. Was able to play the ENTIRE MATCH (800 tickets) without crashing or performance hits. Was mostly in the 120FPS+, had a drop to 77 when tower fell but then went back up to hover in the 130-140 FPS range. Definitely was waiting for this update, even if it's only BETA :)
2015/08/25 22:36:37
What about driver crashes for certain games on windows 10 ? Like for instance Farcry 4, could it help stopping the random crashes ?
2015/08/25 23:20:15
What about driver crashes for certain games on windows 10 ? Like for instance Farcry 4, could it help stopping the random crashes ?

You need to report individual driver issues separately. This hotfix driver was made to fix memory issues in SLI for Windows 10 users. 
2015/08/27 17:29:31
What about driver crashes for certain games on windows 10 ? Like for instance Farcry 4, could it help stopping the random crashes ?

You need to report individual driver issues separately. This hotfix driver was made to fix memory issues in SLI for Windows 10 users. 

This driver fixed farcry 4 random crashes in Windows 10 for.
2015/08/27 17:30:57
No. It is still crashing.
2015/08/27 18:41:40
Is this with sli? I still haven't seen any reference to the sli issue, which is what this hot fix is for. Windows 10 sli was the only thing they were working on with this hot fix. Unfortunately, I am still out of state.
2015/08/27 20:11:21
Perfect timing. Got my 2 980tis in today from the step up program. 175fps average maxed BF4 on stock aetting @3440x1440 ...and no crashes finally!. Woot. Will test GTAV and batman tomorrow.

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