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Is it just me or does this look wrong http://www.evga.com/folding/ But why does EVGApes deserve to be in the top 25??? don't get me wrong it's a group effort thing and it's good thing ...but it shouldn't get recognition as a top folder(because everyone made it possible) Id rather get someone who deserves to be there get that honor (remove it and add the next notable member). simple sort of thing for EVGA to filter out EVGApes and add it as separate noted TEAM/Chimp Challenge total away from the list Just my 2 cents...and my pondering
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/12 21:11:49
Most likely, the list on that page was created from a simple query of the data. You have a valid point. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard for Shane to pull EVGApes out. I guess that's up to EVGA and/or the community to decide if it's something that should be done.
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/12 21:20:49
I agree you have a point. Kinda on the fence on this one, it could be "6 of one, half dozen of the other" so to say.
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/12 21:58:36
Must be the same guys that decided that Default and PS3 should be counted as individuals on all the individual stats sheets, including at Standford. (like who will ever catch default or PS3 really, 2.5 billion points each, the closest individual is around .5 billion points?) http://kakaostats.com/ad.php) Yes and then they exclude Google and Default from the teams competition. Heck google wouldn't even be in the top 40 if they had to complete with the rest of us! Plus we are going to be passing Default in 1,206 days or less! (Much Less I Think!) http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/individual_list.php?s Who are these people making these decesions?
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 00:27:24
Just noticed I would be the next notable member for the top 25 list. That does not change my answer though. Still need to think this one through all the way.
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 04:47:36
For me, the EVGApes belong right where they are in the Top25. That is because it represents the greatest strength of this entire Team and that is the "collective power" of our Folding. It is a tribute to our greatness as a Team for me and why we are so strong. I like it right where it is and if it could be #1 on the list, so much the better. Go Apes!
Xavier Zepherious
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 05:17:01
And you can do that by taking it out and recognizing the team effort and the points as compared to other teams and Default like a second chart for team effort leave the one for single user and another for combined team effort
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 05:48:30
I think shane likes to keep the Apes in the top 25. Something tells me he might be abusing his webmaster privis lol
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 07:28:27
My take: Folding is a team effort. Not just Team EVGA, or Team EOC or (insert any team name here), rather it is a Stanford folding team. EVGA contributes as a team but frankly I feel even though we are on different teams we all work for the same cause. Hence it's one big team. Keep the Apes and keep the individuals.
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 08:48:03
If removing EVGApes from that list would put me in the Top-25 I'd be all for it, but I'm having trouble staying in the Top-100 as it is, so having the EVGApes name show up in the list of individual folders just doesn't bother me. JD, #83 and falling...
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 09:17:35
Really, what would be the purpose of removing that name? If you remove EVGApes, which is still being used to actively produce under, you by extension need to remove clamatowas, Car_Hauler, FahMan, BigJohnFAH, Leftygof and OLD-SLO-GAMER, all of whom haven't actively produced anything in long enough that EOC is showing a 0 ppd average (14 days is the threshold, I believe). Just leave things the way they are and if it bothers you THAT much, simply ignore the name in the listing and adjust places accordingly. The alternative is you go to the Pande Group, ask them to remove that folding name from the lists and we lose the 200,657,378 points in credit, simply because that's the easiest way to solve the issue. Personally, I like things the way they are. d
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 09:26:30
I agree with drougnor. Just keep it the way it is since the list shows the top 25 folders for evga not top 25 active folders.
Xavier Zepherious
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 09:36:08
It doesn't bother me... I just thought it seemed unfair to individuals EVGApes is a joint effort whereas everyone else in the list is an individual Id rather recognize a fellow folder in that list who sacrifice $$ and time and effort to achieve his standing ...versus a team name where everyone chipped in... where even peanuts from each member it could be #1 on the list (An unfair advantage) I also don't care if a user hasn't folded for awhile - the points in itself is enough to remind people what that individual contributed to EVGA and the Team (Specially with the contributions to make it in this league of users) I just thought we could just acknowledge the EVGApes differently (with distinction of it own as a community effort in comparison to other groups..like other Chimp Challange teams and default and google) and just put the users in that top 25 folders list total points only - even non-active - none active will slowly disappear from the list over time (and we can honor those people for the contribution during that time and have a goal to shoot down in trying to bump them from the list) all it takes is a little more webspace and some time on EVGA to setup two charts some way to honor both Maybe even consider adding default as our next challenge to the pages
post edited by Xavier Zepherious - 2011/09/13 09:47:34
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 11:25:51
Well I'm the one it actually effects at this point since I am #26 and it really does not bother me. It is actually motivational and gives me a goal, which I will achieve sooner than the stats show. My server board just showed up, the rest of the server parts will be here before Friday, 2 of the 3 RMA parts showed up today and are already folidng, 2 more GTX 465's will be here by the end of the week, hopefully with my E758 mobo that arrived at EVGA yesterday and needs a hard mod for hexacore use, which means 3 GTX 465's and a Xeon cpu will be back up eating protein for breakfast. Darn, folidng life is good!!!
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 12:51:28
It's not that serious. Fold more and stop hatin.
post edited by Afterburner - 2011/09/13 12:59:07
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 12:56:16
Another way of looking at this is that reaching 200+ Million in points is a very long-term reach (years) for just about everyone on the Team. If someone can reach those levels, then the real challenge is getting to number 1 no matter where the Apes are sitting. If that many of us can reach 200+M, then the Apes would eventually be moved down on the list anyway. Speaking of inactivity, it is quite amazing to look at how long some of our past Team members have not Folded, yet they hold their positions on the Top 10 to 20 of our list. Clamatowas has not Folded for EVGA since June 2009 and yet remains #10 on the Team roster.  I really don't think the position of the EVGApes or the fact that they are there on the roster is going to get in most members way anytime soon!
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 13:03:51
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell... Just like the wording of one sentence can be interpreted three + different ways... I see this a bit different. Specifically on the EVGAPES in the top 25... I see a team of individuals that come together to make folding as a whole, more well known. And by doing so, sacrificed most or all of their own personal recognition in the process. This is a nice way to show the strength of those willing to make that sacrifice for 10 ish days a year. That is as impressive as in individual running all year and making the top 25 in my mind. I for one do not believe they can remove it as they simply post the top 25 from another source. And if I had a vote and they could change it, I would leave it alone.
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 13:14:22
I think it should stay but I get the point why some wants to remove from the list.. I like it there cause I know I have a little share in it..
Xavier Zepherious
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 13:19:01
Just give some of us time to build some new rigs then we can move some members... Im saying I'll try when my builds come online...want to be 100K+ PPD soon (probably wrangle some more points sooner if a went with two - 2600k's rather than.. waiting for sandy-e...still might get a 2600k anyways prior to sandy-E there are problems with it...waiting for fixes) the fact is we all fold on the Apes, notably at the CC. the fact that we are increasing production means the APE is too(refer to consumption - like it eats our bananas/points..so it can fling some pooh at the CC). So catching up to it will not be so do-able except for a few in the crew. It's not that I want to be on the top 25...I'll leave that to the reserved few that deserve to be there. it's gonna take a few Sr-2's and a few quad G34's to do that
post edited by Xavier Zepherious - 2011/09/13 13:20:30
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 13:31:34
Amen Xavier, and like HeThing says...you are already there in Ape-form!  Looking forward to what you unleash in the future bro.
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/13 13:59:02
Jeesh, I guess how I feel about it, I am the one effected by this, doesn't matter. Thanks.
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/14 07:25:48
I think shane likes to keep the Apes in the top 25.
Something tells me he might be abusing his webmaster privis lol
Actually me having the Apes for a folding name was originally to keep people from claiming EVGA bucks from it... I have since fixed that bug... Now I keep it as a memento of what this team can accomplish. Horvat Jeesh, I guess how I feel about it, I am the one effected by this, doesn't matter. Thanks. Drama llama! Pity party is over there *points* :P I suppose what I can do, as a compromise, is just show the top 26... in the somewhat near future* I'm going to be doing some real work to the folding section so there's a reason to go there. *somewhat near in the schedule of web development projects is not somewhat near at all really, it's just what we do to keep sane
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/14 07:35:14
*somewhat near in the schedule of web development projects is not somewhat near at all really, it's just what we do to keep sane
Sanity is highly overrated.
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/14 07:51:19
Viper97 *somewhat near in the schedule of web development projects is not somewhat near at all really, it's just what we do to keep sane Sanity is highly overrated. Paranoia is merely a heightened state of awareness.
Xavier Zepherious
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/14 08:35:04
..... I'm going to be doing some real work to the folding section so there's a reason to go there. Is that a Hint that something is upcoming? Come on Shane don't hold back on us... oh!... I forgot Shane gives out cryptic clues or bare glimmers of hope of info
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/14 08:48:51
..... I'm going to be doing some real work to the folding section so there's a reason to go there.
I have an idea!  All you need to get people to visit that section is to hide some ribbons in there!!!
post edited by mflanaga - 2011/09/14 08:54:42
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/14 09:10:36
Doing something to bring interest and EVGA Forum members into greater awareness of our Folding would be excellent! All of us run into people (in other segments of the EVGA Forums) that don't know anything about EVGA's Folding Team. We could do lots of neat stuff with the EVGA Folding page on the website. One thing it could use is a bit more more media and we have creative people right here that could contribute to that. We could have T-shirt designs/graphics that are downloadable for people to make their own shirts/hoodies. That's just a couple of my thoughts and I'm sure there are lost of others from our own family right here.
Xavier Zepherious
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Re:EVGA's top 25 folders?
2011/09/15 18:01:53
texinga Looking forward to what you unleash in the future bro. Soon soon soon.... I almost have the funds for the 2600k (or 2700k if released),RAM and EVGA Z68 FTW w/ EVGauge and ECP V4 this month I could get the funds if I pleaded and drained any funds for next month parts... you know what I mean when you have to get the OK to go over budget for this month(with the queen of the house) and tap into next month funds next month by my calculations for sure but then again...Sandy-E would be nicer... But I can maybe get that a few months later (When the bugs are out of it)
post edited by Xavier Zepherious - 2011/09/15 18:05:41