Okay now that we have our basic O/C with most settings on auto and our ram timeings/voltage set, lets turn off the power saveing stuff and start to ramp up to our max O/C.
We are going to set the following:(make sure you get these right)
Internal PLL Voltage Override - Enable
EIST - Disable
C1E - Disable
CPU C3/C6 - Disable
Turbo Mode - Enable
Save & Exit
Lets load Windows and check for stablility with Prime and E-LEET. Again watching your temps!
We should still be stable from befor but lets be safe.
If stable reboot to bios and start adding to our multiplier 1 at a time.
We are going to repeat this until either Windows does not load, Prime gives us a BSOD or our temps get out of hand (75'C).
You will want to note the voltage with your highest stable O/C while prime is running for the next steps.
At this point i again saved these settings in bios as my max O/C with auto voltage.
Now lets go manually set our CPU voltage and see what we can get. Useing the voltage we got while prime was running on auto as a starting point lets enter that.
Save & Exit
Lets load Windows and check for stablility with Prime and E-LEET. Again watching your temps!
If stable reboot to bios and start adding to our multiplier 1 at a time.
We are going to repeat this until either Windows does not load, Prime gives us a BSOD or our temps get out of hand (75'C). At this point you should be at about your max O/C. You can continue upping your voltage>>test then up your multiplier>>test until you get to hot or more voltage just doesnt help. WARNING i wouldnt go much above 1500mV if at all.
Save this setting in bios as your max O/C.
Side note other settings im running:
post edited by wrinvert - 2011/06/21 22:31:42