As many have seen in my previous video comparing the modded MCP355 (DDC2) to the MCP35X these next 4 videos involve pumps, but in this case it is a full walk-through from start to finish on how to repair your own failed pump. I know this will be useful to many since so many DDC based pumps have failed throughout the years.
The pump being used today is the Swiftech MCP355 based on the Laing DDC3.2 pump. These videos are educational videos providing my experience and step by step of how to repair your own failed up. This video is designed to be followed along or as a guide for your own repair.
A similar video will be made on how to repair the older Swiftech MCP350/355 based on the Laing DDC1/DDC2 pumps. The process is very similar, but so that there is no confusion those videos will follow one an additional repair PCB board is supplied to me.
I want to thank Elganja of AnandTech for supplying the failed pump at a low cost and DIYINHK for supplying the board. The PCB board can be purchased on eBay. plan is to repair one of each DDC series (DDC1, DDC2, and DDC3) pump and do a full technical comparison of the modified pumps along with the different readily available pumps for water cooling your computer.
I will be testing for heat output, current draw, noise level, flow rate, and pressure on each pump configuration.
I already have many pumps, but will compile a full list of everything I would like to get into the review and hopefully either find sponsorship from the manufacture or some kind owners who would be willing to mail their personal pump(s) in for testing.
Any comments or suggestions are welcome. More information to come soon. Stay tuned.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4: