ARMA II, anyone ever accidentally trigger "FADE"?

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2012/06/30 06:06:47 (permalink)
Ok, for those who don't know what "FADE" is. It is ARMA II's copy protection system. If the game thinks it's being pirated or illegally copied, it will degrade (become glitchy, and then get worse and worse). I have a totally legal copy, purchased at Fry's Electronics, but I think I may have somehow triggered "FADE"
On my latest install the screen flickers, my rifle disappears, vehicles randomly disappear, large squares of land randomly disappear. Menu items are blank (the buttons are still there, just no text on them)
I have eliminated most of my hardware at this point. Prime 95 does not give errors, removed CPU overclock, tested with GTX550Ti, GTX560Ti, and GTX570. 750W PSU steady at 12.192 V, Memtest passes every time. OC scanner passes, OCCT passes, Heaven benchmark passes unless I overclock the 570
So, has anyone out there ever managed to trigger "FADE", and if so, did it do what I am describing?

My Systems: i7 3770K Rig with GTX570  |  AMD FX-8350 CPU Folding Rig  |  AMD FX-8350 CPU Folding Rig  |  Dual Xeon 2.66GHz Mac Pro With GTX550Ti  |  i3 Laptop  |  Core2Duo Laptop   Atom Dual Core 1.6GHz Netbook  |  Atom Single core 1.6GHz Netbook
All running Linux. (Most running my own customization, "Longcat OS")  One HDD with Win7 on it just for games that won't run under WINE.

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    Re:ARMA II, anyone ever accidentally trigger "FADE"? 2012/06/30 11:07:52 (permalink)
    If so that is a very weird way of a program to eliminate a pirate copy. I imagine it would just give you a message says enter valid key code or something to that nature. Have you tried reinstalling the game?

    i5 4670k @ 4.5 with Hyper 212 push/pull 
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    Re:ARMA II, anyone ever accidentally trigger "FADE"? 2012/06/30 11:45:42 (permalink)
    You say "on my latest install" as if you've installed the same game multiple times. If this is the case, has it been to different computers each time? Keep in mind that the way ArmA works is by binding your CD key to the motherboard, so if you've recently upgraded your system by replacing the motherboard, that may have triggered it as well.
    EDIT: I just looked up how FADE works, and it basically only triggers by modifying the game executable, or by modifying integral game files. So unless you've actually pirated this game or jimmied around with its system files, FADE shouldn't be enabled. The easiest way to test is to shoot at a wall, and see if your shots go flying off everywhere except for the wall. I know for a fact accuracy is directly affected, but I'm not sure about graphical glitches. If your accuracy is still good, then FADE is not enabled. Unfortunately for you, that means something is messing up with your hardware or drivers.
    post edited by dyno0919 - 2012/06/30 11:51:18
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    Re:ARMA II, anyone ever accidentally trigger "FADE"? 2012/06/30 14:10:10 (permalink)
      The easiest way to test is to shoot at a wall, and see if your shots go flying off everywhere except for the wall.

    Accuracy is still perfect.
    I'm starting to look at the OCZ SSD I use for Windows, as it has corrupted data in the past (lost an entire encrypted partition due to corrupted key data) I believe that textures may not be loading from the SSD into video memory when LOD changes due to distance. I do not trust OCZ SSD drives(or OCZ-anything), this is why I use an Intel SSD for my Linux partition

    My Systems: i7 3770K Rig with GTX570  |  AMD FX-8350 CPU Folding Rig  |  AMD FX-8350 CPU Folding Rig  |  Dual Xeon 2.66GHz Mac Pro With GTX550Ti  |  i3 Laptop  |  Core2Duo Laptop   Atom Dual Core 1.6GHz Netbook  |  Atom Single core 1.6GHz Netbook
    All running Linux. (Most running my own customization, "Longcat OS")  One HDD with Win7 on it just for games that won't run under WINE.
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    Re:ARMA II, anyone ever accidentally trigger "FADE"? 2012/06/30 16:10:31 (permalink)
    I have never trusted OCZ either. Typically the cheapest brand of something on the market is the most suspicious, as is entirely true with OCZ. I've only heard horror stories about their products, especially SSDs. Well hopefully you get it sorted out man! At least it's not FADE .
    iCX Member
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    Re:ARMA II, anyone ever accidentally trigger "FADE"? 2012/07/04 05:48:49 (permalink)
    (Edit: I should note that before I tried this, the S.M.A.R.T. data for the SSD was showing over 1 million internal ECC errors every time I launched Arma II)
    Flashed latest firmware onto SSD.
    Used Gparted to make entirely new partition table on SSD.
    Partitioned SSD manually.
    Reinstalled Windows.
    Installed Arma II.
    Problem Solved!
    post edited by OMG_A_FURRY - 2012/07/04 05:57:29

    My Systems: i7 3770K Rig with GTX570  |  AMD FX-8350 CPU Folding Rig  |  AMD FX-8350 CPU Folding Rig  |  Dual Xeon 2.66GHz Mac Pro With GTX550Ti  |  i3 Laptop  |  Core2Duo Laptop   Atom Dual Core 1.6GHz Netbook  |  Atom Single core 1.6GHz Netbook
    All running Linux. (Most running my own customization, "Longcat OS")  One HDD with Win7 on it just for games that won't run under WINE.
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